Ultimate top level overlocker and cover stitch combination machine that can be threaded in any order with one step air threading.
New Model - featuring a sleek specifically and beautifully design face plate. Now comes with the following accessories as standard.
- Seam guides in shaft (left and right) - New feature
- Compensation foot #C12
- Shirring foot #C24
- Clear foot #27
- Decorative spool pin
- OL/OS height compenseating tool
One Step Air Threading - the quickest, speedest and easiest way to thread the lower loopers. Press the foot control to activate the airthread then feed the end of the thread into the hole. Thread is instantly taken through looper.
Stitches - total 27
Touch Screen 4.3"- full colour that display stitches, tensions, settings guides - easily select stitches and access the creative consultant and built in tutorials. Display step by step instructions on setting up for each stitch, (See Expert Mode below).
Stitch Optimiser - if the stitch doesn't look right (eg bad tension) - this function will offer suggestion as to how to correct - a built in trouble shooter.
Expert Mode and Guided Mode - Guided mode - prompts with onscreen instructions including videos on how to set machine for different stitches and switching between overlock and coverstitch. Expert mode - skips the prompts. Settings for each stitch are displayed onscreen.
Foot control - control the speed of the machine + use to activate air thread system. Also has the classic Bernina heel tap which controls needle up/down position.
Built in memory - like a stitch with certain length and setting - save up to 100 stitches to the built in memory.
Creative Consultant - built in - advises for best needle and settings for the fabric or sewing technique used.
Tutorials - built in - offer onscreen support without you having to keep looking at your manual.
Sewing space - to the right of needle 5 3/4 " (143 mm) - height space to the right of the needle 3 3/8" (86 mm).
Knee lifter - operate the presser foot without taking hands off sewing project.
Swing out Presser foot - in raised position foot will swing to the left for easy access to the top threads for threading.
Automatic needle stop up - needle with stop in the up position automatically every time you finish sewing. - can be programme to stay up or down - can be controlled by using the heel tap on the foot control pedal.
Adjustability - tension, cutting width, stitch length and differential feed can all be adjusted whilst sewing.
Micro Thread Control - affects the amount of amount of looper threads around the fabric edge and can be adjusted continuously during sewing. This feature makes it easy to achieve the look of the stitch at any given cutting width.
New - L890 QE Overlock + Coverstitch | Bernina |
- Machine Features
- Stitches total - 27
- Sew up to 1350 spm
- One step Bernina air threading
- Free arm
- Colour touch screen
- Expert and guided mode
- Built in memory
- Creative consultant
- Built in tutorials and videos
- Swing out presser foot
- Engage or disengage blade dial on outside
- Automatic needle stop up
- Accessories in front cover
- Cover stitch width - 3 - 6 mm
- 6 step presser foot pressure
- - Programmable needle up/down
- - Heel tap on foot pedal for instant needle up/down
- - Active air threading with foot control
- - Knee lifter
- - Tension, cutting width, length, differential feed - adjustable
- whilst sewing
- - Integrated upper looper converter
- - Built in rolled hem
- - Micro thread control (MTC)
- - LED sewing light
- - Thread cutter
- - Safety switch for open cover and raised presser foot
- - Stitch width from 3 mm - 9 mm
- - Combo stitches width 7 - 11 mm
- - Weight 13.4 kg
- Stitches
- - 4 thread overlock
- - 3 thread overlock - wide and narrow
- - 3 thread super stretch
- - 3 thread flatlock - wide and narrow
- - 3 thread narrow seam
- - 3 thread rolled hem
- - 3 thread picot stitch
- - 2 thread chain stitch
- - Chainstitch with 3 thread overlock - wide and narrow
- - 2 thread overlock - wide and narrow
- - 2 thread flatlock - wide and narrow
- - 2 thread rolled hem
- - 2 thread wrapped overlock - wide and narrow
- - 2 thread blanket stitch - wide and narrow
- - 4 thread cover stitch
- - 3 thread cover stitch - wide
- - 3 thread cover stitch - narrow x 2
- - Chainstitch with 2 thread overlock - wide an narrow